Friday, July 23, 2010

The Technology of Accomplishment

Part II of my book is

The Technology of Accomplishment

To Begin

1.  Notice the desires that inspire you and make a list.
2.  Choose the desires from your list you find most empowering.
3.  Delete the items you can be complete without from your list.
4.  Write your promise to pursue the remaining items passionately
     as if your quality of life is at stake.
5.  Make another list of all the reasons why you want the things
     on your list of desires that inspire you.

To Do Daily

1.  Begin each day reflecting on what you want and why.
2.  Focus your attention on your reasons why.
3.  Release your attachment to the outcome.
4.  Shift your attitude to allow the universe to handle the details, 
     declaring everything beyond your control is a detail.
5.  Notice what there is to do next and do it.

Learn more about The Technology of Accomplishment in Part II of my book, Stop Burning Your Money, available now at .

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