Thursday, November 19, 2009

What's Up? It is entirely up to you.

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were eloquent advocates of principles like self reliance and personal responsibility. They viewed these as essential elements of individual liberty in a free society.

This video provides an entertaining and provovative presentation of these principles from a contemporary American woman's point of view. It is a 3 minute video that is worth the time you will invest to watch it.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Encore Post - Reprint of Item 1

Do you remember a time in your life when you enjoyed a great vacation? Think about where you went and who was with you. What did you enjoy most about that trip? Would you say taking this vacation made a noticeable difference in your life? Was your life a little richer, more satisfying and complete than it would have been without that experience? I suspect your answer to the last 2 questions was yes.

Now notice at what point did this vacation begin to improve your quality of life. Was it after you returned home from the trip? Was it during the trip, or when you first departed home to take this vacation? My hunch is if you look closely and remember clearly, it happened before that.

When did you first make the decision to go on this vacation? And after you made this choice, what did you do first to begin making it happen. Invite someone else to come along? Call a travel agent or an airline to research fares? Whatever it was, the moment you took the first action to make this choice happen is probably the moment this choice began to have a positive impact on your life. You improved your life by making a powerful choice, then noticing what there was to do next to make it happen and doing it. There is a lesson here for those of us who will learn it.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Why? Because the teacher is always present. The teacher is not me or any other individual on the planet. The teacher is life, and life teaches us all we need to know. We just have to pause, reflect and notice.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Secret to You..A Gift From The Secret Scrolls.

This video is designed to provoke a winning attitude in the viewer. So much is at stake for you today. It has been said, "If I waste $100 I can replace it, but if I waste a day it is gone forever. Your time is your most precious assest. Invest it wisely today.

The good news is, no matter how your day has been going until now, you have the power to make it a great day in a matter of moments. The bad news is, you also have the power to make it a terrible day in those same moments. It all hinges on your choice of attitude.

What is the right attitude for you to choose today? The attitude that is most empowering for you. So take 2 minutes now to enjoy this video and shift your attitude to the one that propels you into action to make the most of this day.

Carpe Diem!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dreams - Inspirational Video

Fuel For Your Journey

Monday, November 2, 2009

Item 2 - 11.02.2009 - The Myth of the American Dream

The myth of the American Dream is the mistaken belief that a higher standard of living will always automatically produce a higher quality of life.  Imagining that it does brings suffering.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Item 1 - 11.01.2009

Do you remember a time in your life when you enjoyed a great vacation?  Think about where you went and who was with you.  What did you enjoy most about that trip?  Would you say taking this vacation made a noticeable difference in your life?  Was your life a little richer, more satisfying and complete than it would have been without that experience?  I suspect your answer to the last 2 questions was yes.

Now notice at what point did this vacation begin to improve your quality of life.  Was it after you returned home from the trip?  Was it during the trip, or when you first departed home to take this vacation?  My hunch is if you look closely and remember clearly, it happened before that. 

When did you first make the decision to go on this vacation?  And after you made this choice, what did you do first to begin making it happen.  Invite someone else to come along?  Call a travel agent or an airline to research fares?  Whatever it was, the moment you took the first action to make this choice happen is probably the moment this choice began to have a positive impact on your life.  You improved your life by making a powerful choice, then noticing what there was to do next to make it happen and doing it.  There is a lesson here for those of us who will learn it.

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.  Why?  Because the teacher is always present.  The teacher is not me or any other individual on the planet.  The teacher is life, and life teaches us all we need to know.  We just have to pause, reflect and notice.
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